Emerald of the Ruby Sea


art by squishielychee

art by @SquishieLychee (twitter)

Name: Glory Lightpaw (on Tonberry, Elemental)
Tribe: Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun
Residence: Ishgard / Limsa Lominsa
Birthplace: The Ruby Sea
Age: 25-27
Height: 156cm
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Bi, but not looking/available
Classes: Scholar (main), Culinarian, Botanist
Occupation: Clerk (Arcanist's Guild), Scholar (Maelstrom), Culinarian-in-training (the Firmament)
Likes: Swimming, baking, foraging, bargains/discounts, star-gazing, eating
Dislikes: Scary things, dancing, breaking the rules, strong smells, studying
At a glance:
Most first impressions of Glory can be summarised as: "Oh, she's the friendly type." The tone with which this sentiment is expressed will vary from person to person. Optimistic, outspoken and clumsy, she is quick to judge and even quicker to scare. However, those who are perceptive will notice her smiles are sometimes forced, and that there is a sad, wistful look in her eyes when she gazes out into the sea...

art by squishielychee

Usually recognised by her emerald green, shoulder length hair. She has at least one braid done up over the crown of her head—two if she has spare time in the morning. Her eyes match the deep green of her hair and she has a noticeable scar etched in the bridge of her nose. Her left ear bears tiny bite marks from a childhood run-in with an isonade fish. Despite her small stature, a daily habit of swimming lends her a pair of shoulders broader than that of the average mi’qote.
Swimming often, Glory usually carries the brine of the sea in her hair, the rich soil of the river bed on her clothes, or a sulfurous scent from long rests in Snowsoak Springs. Her hands are sandpaper-rough and lined with calluses from many years of gathering and foraging along the shores and seabeds of the Ruby Sea. She speaks Common and Hingan. She has mastered the common Eorzean accent though if you listen closely, you may be able to catch her pronouncing words with a certain Hingan inflection.Personality (brief):
Extroverted / Between / Introverted
Disorganised / Between / Organised
Calm / Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / Between / Agreeable
Cautious / Between / Reckless
Humble / Between / Proud
Outspoken / Between / Reserved
Leader / Between / Follower
Empathetic / Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / Between / Pessimistic
Honest / Between / Dishonest
Hard-working / Between / Lazy
Cultured / Between / Uncultured
Loyal / Between / Disloyal
Tropes that apply to Glory: Book Dumb, Genki Girl, Stepford Smiler, Actively Good, Cowardly Lion, Tomboy with a Girly StreakPersonality (digging deeper):Book Dumb
Learning only basic reading and writing in her hometown, Glory picked up most of her literacy skills once she joined the Arcanist's Guild. Her Scholar soulstone was awarded from practical assessment, after successfully proving her proficiency in healing arts, memorising strategies and executing defensive maneuvers in combat. You will find that Glory’s tomes are more likely filled with diagrams than with words and that she doesn't behave like a stereotypical bookish academic, and she still gets her spellings wrong sometimes. She's nonetheless willing to learn more about the world from others – as long as it doesn't involve pen and paper.
Genki Girl +(curious-type)
Curiosity hasn’t killed the cat—but it has given Glory indigestion and stomach bugs from times where she’s tried to figure out if a particular plant is edible. She delights in discovering new flora and experiencing different cultures, even if her over-excitement can sometimes lead to clumsy accidents. She also enjoys poking her nose into other people’s business and eavesdropping just in case it’s something she’d like a hand in.
Stepford Smiler
Glory’s unwavering optimism is a double-edged sword. Always seeing the bright side to any situation, she’s not one to openly share if she’s feeling disheartened. A habit she developed after her mother’s sudden departure during her childhood, Glory is resolute in keeping a positive mindset and reassuring herself, at the cost of being genuine with those around her and to herself. Beneath her smile, there is homesickness, loneliness, self-doubt and… resentment towards her mother and half-brother, the latter of which she refuses to acknowledge.
Actively Good
Glory can never ignore someone in need or stop herself from meddling in situations that she has no part in. She believes (perhaps a bit too much) in living up to her name, and may want to do ‘good’ simply out of necessity. Her time at the Maelstrom also instilled in her a dislike towards Garleans, pirates, dealers and those who bend the rules. She is quick to judge any of the above and those she deems to be ‘bad’ on first impression.
Cowardly Lion
Bravado only comes to Glory when company is around. When left alone, she's easily spooked, and does not deal well with typical fears one might have, including monsters, ghosts, heights and the dark to name a few. But no matter what happens, she’ll stick with her team, even as she stumbles and screams her way through it.
History (contains minor pre 6.0 spoilers):
Born and bred in the Ruby Sea, Glory set off from her hometown of Isari a few months after the Calamity when the Ruby tithe was at its lowest, just after her 20th birthday. She landed a job as a clerk at the Arcanist’s Guild in Limsa Lominsa and was later taken into the scholar revival programme pioneered by the recovered scholars of Nym due to her interest and talent in healing craft. Serving as a healer with the Maelstrom for half a decade, including the healing of Tempered individuals, Glory has recently applied for a sabbatical from the Maelstrom for reasons undisclosed. She currently hones her culinary skills and contributes to rebuilding efforts in the Firmament. When not residing in Ishgard, she spends her days traveling for new ingredients to experiment with, part time gigs, selling bread to empty stomachs she meets along the road and lending a certain fairy’s help to those in need.
Other bits of info:
- After the Calamity, Glory made the decision to travel out into the wider world while she could - and with her father's blessings and hard-earned savings, she was able to pay for the Ruby Tithe. Glory promised her father that she would succeed as an adventurer and earn enough coin to come back, and bring him on a retirement trip to wherever he wished to go. It's been seven years since she last saw her father, but they write to each other as often as the post-Moogles' deliveries allow them to.
- Glory's unconventional miqo'te name comes from her parents, who both shared the nickname 'Lightpaw' in their younger years. Perhaps she'll tell you their story one day.- Glory's mother left the family when she was a child, bored of Isari village and unable to ignore the allure of Thavnair. She would return years later on a short trip later, accompanied by a Keeper child -- Glory's half-brother Lumi. However, Glory was never able to reconcile with her mother or accept her half-brother and they have not seen each other since then. Glory harbours a dislike towards dancers and Thavnair because of this.Skills & Abilities:
Swimming: Swimming is second nature of Glory, and a good day isn’t complete without at least one good swim. She can hold her breath underwater for about 5 minutes, and a childhood of gathering kelp and seaweed has honed her diving skills.
Healing: Glory taps into aether manipulation and her soul crystal’s fairy to perform healing spells and is versed in handling external battle wounds—sickness/ailments, not so much. Her strength lies in barrier-casting and supporting allies with preemptive defense. She carries some experience of aether manipulation and healing from her stint curing the Tempered. She mostly relies on Selene to help her sense changes in the aether, though.Appraisal: During her time serving as a clerk with the Arcanist’s Guild and with the Maelstrom, Glory has seen and assessed all manner of imports from around the Star. If you’ve got something that needs identifying, she might be able to tell you where the object originates from based on inscriptions, craftsmanship or other details.Foraging: Glory sees her outings to gather ingredients as sessions of communion with nature. Believing in having a reciprocal relationship with this Star, she tries to ensure that the places she gathers from are left in a better state than when she found them. This includes leaving fertilizer for new shoots to grow, planting seeds, trimming weeds and getting rid of parasites. She’s well equipped to forage for all manner of things, just tell her when and where!Cooking (?): The one thing Glory misses most about Isari is her father and his home-cooked meals. A relatively new skillset, Glory finds cooking to be a natural extension to many of her interests: partaking in a warm meal with loved ones, being precise and planning ahead, and making best use of the earth’s bounties. She is presently focused on baking and supplying meals to the Firmament. Still far from being a pro, you might find that there’s always something just a bit off about her creations – whether it’s too much salt, too sweet or too spicy. She’s nonetheless able to whip up a decent meal for any hungry soul with simply the contents of her bag and a quick foraging session.

RP info & hooks

art by @ena_ko2018 (skeb)

Overview: Short / Long-term RP. Slice-of-life / Adventure RP with a focus on character building / development. Both serious or casual RP is welcome. A mix of serious + light-hearted elements in RP is what I work best with and what I feel strikes a good balance in tone. Not interested in Romance / ERP. Discord or in-game both work!Looking for:
1. Friends, rivals, distant relatives, travel buddies, fellow scholars (of any origin), characters with clashing / grey moralities & backgrounds (i.e. Garleans, pirates, dealers, anti-heroes etc)
2. Platonic r/s such as rivalries, unlikely friends, colleagues, vitrolic best friends, found family, sisterhood, etc.3. Those who don't mind chatting OOC, discussing and building plot threads and character development together. (In moderation - I have a full-time job and plenty other interests, but I generally will respond at least once a day unless I'm busy!)Not looking for:
1. Romance / ERP
2. Excessive violence, gore and heavy subject matter (whether a topic is 'heavy' or not can be discussed beforehand)

Nice to miqo'te you!
As a mi’qote who grew up outside a Seeker of the Sun clan, Glory is curious about the traditions and temperaments of Seeker of the Sun mi’qotes, and secretly hopes to someday find a relative of hers from Ul’dah or Limsa. Perhaps you (or your parents) knew of a certain ‘Lightpaw’ - the one who was a famed dancer in Uldah, or the other one who was a fisher along Limsa’s coast...
A Strom's a Brewing / Lost & Found
Maybe you know Glory from her posting at the Maelstrom or Arcanist's Guild: either as a friend or a foe, a subordinate or a colleague, a reliable healer or the scholar who can't spell properly. Alternatively, if you’re looking for something you lost (or something to steal, perhaps?), the Arcanist’s Guild might know its whereabouts given all the imports and goods that pass through their doors?
My catgirl is a part-timer?!
Glory is currently trying to save up to afford to travel back to the Ruby Sea. If there’s a money-making opportunity, she’ll jump on it in order to earn some gil for her Ruby Tithe funds. This means that she’s always part-timing somewhere in Eorzea. She is also a penny-pincher and will bargain for lower prices, seek for payment in gil over favours, and take any opportunity to earn some extra coin, all with the goal of building up her savings.
Sweet, an escort mission!
Glory may be a skilled healer, but she’s absolutely hopeless at solo combat. She’s always on the lookout for willing adventurers to accompany her on field trips to gather ingredients from particularly dangerous lands such as Dravania and Coerthas. She isn’t opposed to company while gathering in other locales as well. Though... she'll likely pay you with a free meal, rather than in gil.
Home in Ishgard
Glory can be found regularly in Ishgard, haggling at the Jewelled Crozier, cooking in the Firmament, swimming in the hot springs or attempting to make light conversation with brooding adventurers in The Forgotten Knight. Whether you’re a fellow crafter of the Firmament, an Ishgard local or someone just passing through, there’s always a chance that you might bump into her.
There's no place like home
Glory misses the Far Eastern skies, the smell of freshly caught fish and her father’s croak of a laugh terribly. If you are from the Far East, she will be drawn to you simply because you carry a piece of her home with you, the promise that one day, she’ll be able to cross the seas back to the sleepy village of Isari.
((... and any other ideas that cross your mind - if you think our characters would have a great dynamic, feel free to reach out and make them meet even if they're based in a different location!))


art by squishielychee

Hi there! I'm Jen (she/her), I've been writing for over 15 years and started playing FF14 in 2020. I'm just beginning to sink my claws into RPing in the game. My first fandom experience as a young teen was RPing on the Pokemon Community forums, so this is pretty much a return to one of my favourite fandom activities except I now have an OC I love dearly (Glory!!). I also have Lumi, who I created to RP with friends on Crystal.I'm open to most flavours of RP (except serious romance / erp please do not approach me and my catgirl for that) and lean towards paragraph-style, focusing on vivid descriptions, character emotion and acknowledging the impact your character has on mine & on the plot as it is unfolding. As such, Discord RP is preferred, though I am also open to dialogue-style in-game if you’re located on Elemental (my timezone is GMT+8).I'm always game to think about fun, out-of-the-box plotting as well as cozy, goofy slice of life scenes that make sense for our characters' stories and hope that you will be as excited as I am about planning RP and character development possibilities for both our OCs. I’m confident (or at least stubbornly imaginative lol) of coming up with longer running plot threads that can span a few sessions/arcs, as well as impactful, self-contained scenes, as long as my RP partner is open to discussing ideas with me.What I appreciate from an RP partner is clear communication from the get go + investment in pursuing RP ideas in a collaborative way.Frequency of posting/replies on discord =/= investment. I am more than happy to RP with folks who may only be able to respond a few times a week, as long as it's clear from our conversations that we're both on the same page and both eager to collaborate and bring our characters to life despite our hectic schedules (I work full-time, volunteer on weekends and have a backlog of games lol). RPing should be a recreational activity – you should never feel obligated to post and I hope to cultivate a supportive and chill environment for us to write! That being said, I try my best to post as often as I can because consistency helps ensure we don’t lose steam~Lastly, I'm in my late 20s and I prefer to RP & befriend folks who are 20 and above. If you'd like to contact me, you can DM me on twitter (@ysaylerights) or message #bread9696 on discord.Congrats on making it through my rambling carrd and I look forward to chatting & RPing!